A WILDER Schools programme, to encourage youngsters to look after nature, has been launched by Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.

The trust considers there is enough potential in the school grounds to have connected wildlife corridors and safe habitats.

In addition, there is an opportunity for pupils to build a connection with nature and learn outside of the classroom. 

All schools are being invited to book a visit with a Wilder School champion, who will visit, celebrate what is being done already to help wildlife and offer advice on attracting more.

Heidi Mansell, engagement manager, said: “As the trust celebrates its 60th year, a programme has been launched offering every school on our patch the opportunity to become a Wilder School, and we have been training a fantastic group of champion volunteers to help us.

“Once we are approached by a school, we’ll arrange a site visit and then report back with practical and low-cost suggestions for how to make their grounds wilder.

“For instance, a school might start its Wilder School journey by letting a patch of grass on the field grow longer and seeing what wildflowers begin to flourish.

“Then, they might start a vegetable patch the following term and get their students involved in that.

“There are many possibilities, but what we want schools to recognise is that their grounds are a vital part of the green network.”

For more information, visit www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/wilder-schools or email wildersupport@hmwt.org