ELEVEN students from St Benedict's and Cardinal Wiseman schools in Ealing borough played a special role in the Coronation.

The St Benedict’s Combined Cadet Force – which also recruits from Cardinal Wiseman - was selected to represent the 30,000 CCF Army Section Cadets across the country.

During the processions, the cadets were stationed near Admiralty Arch.

Captain Shaun Hullis, Contingent Commander of St Benedict’s CCF, said: "It was humbling to be invited to send Cadets to represent the Army sections of the CCF - and heartening to see them still bubbling with enthusiasm and joy after the long weekend.

The two adult volunteers who accompanied the cadets, Sgt Instr Peter Allwright and Lt Andrew Hutchinson, were both former students at St Benedict’s.

SSgt Instr Hussain Sadiq – also a former St Benedict’s student - was involved in the parade itself with other members of the Honourable Artillery Company.