FIVE clergy have joined the Willesden Area of Brent, Harrow, Ealing and Hillingdon’s team of clergy following their ordination to the office of deacon this week.

It is often a step on the path towards priesthood and follows two to three years of training.

Among the new ordinands is Ruth Robinson, who is to be based at St Stephen’s, Ealing.

She said: “After the pandemic, I have realised how life-giving it is to be able to be a Christian in community with others that is not just limited to Zoom!

“I love being able to come alongside others to listen to their stories both happy and sad and encourage them in their journey of faith, wherever they are in that journey.”

The new deacons also include Paul Akinola (St George, Southall) and Mervat Metry (St Hugh, Northolt).