THE author of Wild Swans has been awarded an honorary degree from the university in Ealing where she studied.

Dr Jung Chang was one of the first to come from China to continue their education almost 40 years ago. 

She launched a career as an author and continues to inspire readers around the world with her books, including Wild Swans; Mao; and Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister. 

She said: “I came to Ealing in 1978 and this university laid the foundation for me as a writer. I am forever indebted to this institution. It opened my eyes and I have such fond memories of studying here

Jamal Edwards, who set out the future of online music while still at school in Acton, has also been honored by UWL.  

He set up the SBTV channel as a teenager, uploading his first music video to a new online space called YouTube at the age of 15.