Brent Council intends to spend more than £15 million on road and pavement improvements this year – a 75 per cent increase on 2019/20.

The majority – around £11 million – will cover works on pavements across the borough, including those in town centres and along shopping parades.

This is part of a £20 million council investment to improve paths in Brent after a survey in 2018 found that around half needed maintenance.

Resurfacing works across just over 10 kilometres worth of road in the borough has the same budget as last year – £2,120,000 – while a further £50,000 will be spent on touching up road markings.

The council also plans to carry on with injection patch repair technology, which it says is a much quicker method than those used previously.

Cllr Krupa Sheth, who is responsible for the environment at Brent Council, assured residents this method is “very durable” based on a review of repairs made over the last two years.

She said: “By rethinking old approaches and exploring new technologies, we’ve been able to repair more roads at the same time as saving money and cutting our carbon footprint.

“I’m thrilled with what we’ve been able to deliver for residents in such a short amount of time.”

The council also hopes to secure funding from Transport for London to support its highways maintenance plans for 2020/21.

A report presented to the council’s cabinet showed it expects to receive around £240,000, though officers acknowledged this could change due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.