STAFF and students at St Benedict's School, Ealing, have made more than 1,000 protective visors for frontline NHS staff, carers and key workers.

DT teacher Mauricio Mendes, assisted by a team of sixth-form volunteers, has been producing them for hospitals, care homes and doctors' surgeries since mid-March.

The school has received many requests for the visors, including from West Middlesex Hospital, Georgian House nursing home and Florence Road Surgery, Ealing.

They have also been sent further afield, to care homes in Hertfordshire, Warwickshire and even North Wales.

St Benedict's donated its science lab protective equipment, such as goggles, gloves and sanitisers to front-line workers.

Ted Traeger, who is in Year 13, said: "I've enjoyed these sessions as a way to help those in the community and those in situations worse than ours."