A CONGESTION charge on Heathrow's air traffic is needed to tackle pollution and noise in Ealing, according to the Green Party's candidate for London mayor.

Cllr Darren Johnson revealed his plans during a campaign visit to Ealing last Thursday.

He said the new London Mayor should have powers to tax the aviation industry.

Cllr Johnson told the Times: "Just as the current mayor has introduced charges for road users, we also need a congestion charge for air traffic.

"Ealing residents suffer the huge hidden costs that the aviation industry passes on to the rest of society. We don't need another runway which would only bring more pollution and more noise."

Cash raised through the tax would be pumped into environmental and transport projects.

Cllr Johnson added: "Greens are telling the aviation industry to pay its way and cough up for the hidden health risks, noise misery and environmental damage it causes.

"Only then will there be a serious incentive to stem the unsustainable growth in air traffic."

The Greens have put a £3.8 billion tag on the cost of the UK aviation industries' impact on the environment with Heathrow's share estimated at almost £520 million a year.

A spokesman for Ken Livingstone's's office said levying an air tax is now completely outside its remit.

He added: "This would be for the Government to decide. They gave us the powers to introduce the congestion charge."

The London Mayor elections coincide with the London Assembly elections on June 10 next year