REPORTS that congestion charging is to be extended into Ealing have been branded ridiculous by Transport for London after an article in a Sunday newspaper sparked a major uproar.

The Mail on Sunday published a report this week suggesting that Mayor Ken Livingstone was planning to extend his controversial congestion charge scheme as far as Ealing and Hounslow.

However, a spokesman for Mr Livingstone claimed this week the information in the article was incorrect.

He told the Times: "There are absolutely no plans to even look at the prospects of extending any kind of congestion charging in Ealing."

The spokesman confirmed that a feasibility study was being carried out in the boroughs of Knightsbridge and Kensington for the possibility of extending congestion charging. Neighbouring boroughs, including Ealing, have been informed of these plans.

A spokesman for Ealing Council said it had received a letter from Transport for London.

She said: "Ealing Council has received a letter from Transport for London informing us that they are considering extending the congestion charging zone to Knightsbridge and Kensington – but not to Ealing."

Richard Barnes, GLA conservative member for Ealing and Hillingdon, believes Mr Livingstone does intend to bring congestion charging to Ealing to raise money for a £500 million shortfall in the transport budget for London.

He said: "I think congestion charging will come to Ealing because he has got to make up the gap in the budget.

"I believe Ken Livingstone is carrying out research for a plan on bringing congestion charging to Ealing. It might not be on the agenda today but it might well be in the future."

Transport for London is currently carrying out public consultations on another congestion reducing scheme for Ealing, West London Tram.