WANT to find out who lived in your house in 1901?

Detailed records for the parishes that make up what is now the London Borough of Ealing can be accessed at the Central Library.

Information about the population of England and Wales has been collected every 10 years since 1801 with the exception of 1941 but the census returns remain closed for 100 years to protect the confidentiality of the information.

Dr Jonathan Oates, archivist and librarian at Ealing Central Library, said: "People whose houses were built by 1901 can find out who lived in them at that time and those whose ancestors lived here then will be able to find out a lot more about them."

The entries for households on the 1901 census fall under headings including road, street, number or name of house, whether the house is inhabited or not and the name and surname of each family member.