A BOY who joined Northolt Leisure Centre’s pre-school swimming programme as a nervy three-year-old is Everyone Active’s Swim Member of the Month.

In four years, his swimming has improved so much he has been accepted into Ealing Swimming Club.

As a baby, Samuel Phillips was taken to swimming classes by his mum and other family members.  

He played happily in the water but needed an adult to hold on to him and, even with arm bands, he was not confident to take off by himself.

Then, when he was three, it was decided he should have formal swimming lessons and joined the pre-school class at Northolt. 

Despite refusing to enter the pool without his mum or grandma in the first lesson, Samuel had gained confidence in his teacher by the third session.

By four, he had moved into Stage 1, where his teacher, Sam Lowe, recognised Samuel's potential and suggested he would benefit from one-to-one lessons. 

By the time he was five, he had been promoted to Stage 3 and the ‘big pool’, which greatly boosted his confidence and improved his swimming style.

He was promoted to Stage 5 when he was six. And, after completing his 400m last Easter, it was suggested he try out for Ealing Swimming Club, which he did last month. 

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“Samuel has been like a sponge and has retained every bit of information given to him,” said swim teacher Sam.

“He was rapidly progressing through the stages and I could see he was showing great swimming potential and had the ability to go far.

“I know Samuel will continue his amazing progression with the club.  He has been a pleasure to teach and I wish him all the luck for his future.”

To find out about swimming lessons or water-based activities at Northolt Leisure Centre call 020 8423 7436 or visit www.everyoneactive.com